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A fabulous imagination

It was the biggest conference of all times. Culcidae , the head of the Natural Calamities Research Department(NCRD) is about to submit the thesis about Fenthion. Fenthion , as it was recently named , has been the world's biggest natural calamity killing thousands on every occurrence. Culcidae , with a team of 150 , has been doing this research all along his life time. Everyone in there knew the historic importance of the event and felt blessed to have lived in the same generation , which is going to save the future.

The moment came , Culcidae spoke : " Hi everyone , we the team have completed the research. It has been one of the longest in history and am happy with the outcome. However this is just the beginning and we can use this for our future. Fenthion is an area of high pressure characterized by spiraling poisonous gas that moves faster than normal air. High pressure poisonous gas pumps up from the sea of lower trough region , formed due to the dense thrust on the nearer part of the sea."

As in every conference , there were these four senior researchers Aedes , Cules , Culiseta and Anopheles to put up questions and object the result.

Aedes : Lower trough region can create high pressure area and pump up gas , accepted , but why is it poisonous ?
Culcidae : It is poisonous because of the waste materials we deposit in the sea , the H2S we emit into water is one of the main culprit for Poisonous Gas.

Cules : Dense thrust occurring on the sea , how come ?
Culcidae : Due to a small shake of the earth.

Culiseta : Due to high pressure it is faster than normal air , but why does it spiral around ?
Culcidae : The high pressure air collides with normal air , which in turn creates air friction leading the gas to spiral around.

Anopheles : So , what are the constituents of the poisonous gas ?
Culcidae : It contains Pyrethroids , Piperonyl Butoxide , resmethrin & moisture.

Culcidae continued : Fenthion mainly occurs when we live in large groups aiding us to pollute the atmosphere and sea . Am in the process of recommending the government to distribute us into a lot more smaller groups. Don't ask me about the number for a group , we are still figuring it out. Also we are in the process of trying to figure out the exact timing of a Fenthion and am sure we will succeed in it too.

Every mosquito in the conference were happy about the accomplishment and felt satisfied.

The story ends with the previous line , if you feel weird read the last line (i.e the second word) again. OK , let me put the plot straight - Spraying of pesticide gas by humans (for mosquito control measures) is being researched by Mosquitoes. I think , you might(/will) like the story if you read it again after knowing the following details.

Fenthion - A pesticide used to kill mosquito.
Culcidae - Biological family name of mosquito.
Aedes , Cules , Culiseta , Anopheles - Different types of mosquitoes
Pyrethroids , Piperonyl Butoxide , resmethrin
- Mosquito Pesticides.


Courtesy : JKYAAR

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