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Story on Leadership

Once there was a man who liked to eat mangoes. One day he decided to get the sweetest mango—the one


from the very top of the tree. (Mangoes that are exposed to the sun are the sweetest.) So the man climbed to


the top. The branches thinned as he climbed, but he managed to pick a few red fruit.


When he began to climb down, however, the man slipped and fell. Fortunately, he was able to catch a


branch as he was falling, but he remained helplessly suspended from the tree. He called to the nearby


villagers for help. Although the villagers brought their ladders, their ladders were too short. They could do


little to help him.




After some time, a calm and thoughtful person arrived—a well-known sage who lived in a simple hut


nearby. People were curious to see what he would do, as he was famous for solving even the most


complicated problems. The sage remained silent for a moment, and then, to everyone's surprise, he picked


up a stone and threw it at the hanging man. The mango lover began to shout:"Are you crazy? Do you want


me to break my neck?" But the sage did not respond. Instead, he took another stone and threw it at the


man. The man became furious: "If I could get down there, I would whip you!"




That's what everybody wanted—for him to come down. But how? Everyone grew tense about what would


happen next. Some villagers wanted to chastise the sage, but they didn't. Then the sage picked up another


stone and hurled it even more forcefully at the man. After that, the man hanging in the tree became enraged


and determined to come down and take revenge. He used all his skill and strength


to somehow reach safe branches and climb down. Everyone was amazed.




Upon safely reaching the ground the man exclaimed, "Where is that sage? Oh, what a wise man he is! He


didn't wait around for me to beat him!" "But wait a minute," a villager said. "The sage is the only one who


could help you. He provoked you and pushed you to help yourself."The mango lover thought for a moment


and admitted that, yes, all the villagers' good intentions and compassion could not help him, but the sage


had expertly induced him to make his best effort and to save himself. "I should be thankful, not angry."




This is an instructive story about leadership. Although sometimes strong in his or her dealings, a real leader


makes us take the initiative to give our best. *We have to give our best if we want extraordinary results. The


best leader makes others into leaders themselves by pushing them to take responsibility for their lives.*

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